Title: SSOXO Name: B’tol Rank: SCPO (E-8) Race: Klingon Sex: Female Hair: Black, long cut with braids Eyes: Black Place of Birth: D’ra’Thas III, Epsilon Sendii V Age: 49 Background---- Master Chief B’tol has the singular honor of being the first Klingon to rise to one of the highest enlisted ranks with in Starfleet. B’tol, who is a typical Klingon female, drives the SSVC section with the fury of a warrior. She has made it well known that she has an extreme attention to detail and her exacting ways in regards to starship operations. MC B’tol has been to berate officers on occasion, not worrying to express her opinion to the commissioned ranks when she feels that it is in her place to do so. B’tol is a 4th level master of b’t’leth and has master status with several forms of human martial arts. Her hobbies: Singing, especially in the area of human opera (translated into the original Klingon of course) and old Earth TV trivia.