Operations Command Team |
Billet | Rank | Character Name | Gender | Species | Player |
OPS | Kenji Bantusai Himura | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
OPSXO | S’tor | Female | Vulcan | Ed Bell | |
Ship's Services Division |
Billet | Rank | Character Name | Gender | Species | Player |
SSO | Selina Miles | Female | Human (Marisian) | Ed Bell | |
SSOXO | B’tol | Female | Klingon | Ed Bell | |
SQM | Hank Giles | Male | Human (Proxima VII) | Ed Bell | |
REPSV | S'liri | Female | Vulcan | Ed Bell | |
SSD | Bob Fries | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
CSD | Samuel Harper | Male | Human (Terran) | Scott Freligh | |
GALSV | Greg Truggs | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
SCOOK | Antor Jenk | Male | Bajoran | Ed Bell | |
CIVSS | Homer Torts | Male | Rigelian | Ed Bell | |
Computer Core Division |
Billet | Rank | Character Name | Gender | Species | Player |
CCO | Osira* | Male | Deltan | Ed Bell | |
CCOXO | V'chal | Female | Vulcan | Ed Bell | |
SCOMPS | S'ork | Male | Vulcan | Ed Bell | |
SCOMPT | Jan Ken | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
COMPTA I | Ken Matthews | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
COMPTA II | Walter Jameson | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
Sensors Division |
Billet | Rank | Character Name | Gender | Species | Player |
SDO | St'thika* | Male | Andorian | Ed Bell | |
SDOXO | Becky Giles | Female | Human | Ed Bell | |
SST | Nenya Angna | Female | Bajoran | Ed Bell | |
Communications Division |
Billet | Rank | Character Name | Gender | Species | Player |
COMMDO | Patrick Jabobs* | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
SCOMMS | K'thac | Male | Klingon | Ed Bell | |
COMMTA I | Michelle Geers | Female | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
Cryptography & Intelligence Division |
Billet | Rank | Character Name | Gender | Species | Player |
CRYDO | Heathna Rhes* | Female | Bolian | Ed Bell | |
ENCRYS | Henry Donlds | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
DECRYS | Trasy G'ounma | Female | Rigelian | Ed Bell | |
MINT | S'tlar | Female | Vulcan | Ed Bell | |
CI3 | T'kant | Female | Klingon | Ed Bell | |
Flight Deck Division |
Billet | Rank | Character Name | Gender | Species | Player |
FDO | Patrica Keth* | Female | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
FDSS | Mark Latamer | Male | Human (Terran) | Ed Bell | |
EVSS | Rourk Hughs | Male | Acamarian | Ed Bell | |
FLCON | S'jal | Female | Vulcan | Ed Bell |
* Designates NPC Biofile Required
Biofiles Needed For:
SDO LTJG St'thika
COMMDO ENS Patrick Jabobs
CRYDO LTJG Heathna Rhes
FDO LTJG Patrica Keth
Operations Command TeamOPS: Operations Department Head OPSXO: Assistant Operations Head |
Ship's Services DivisionSSO: Ship's Services Officer SSOXO: Assistant Ships Services Officer SQM: Senior Quartermaster REPSV: Replicator Services Officer SSD: Senior Steward CSD: Captain's Steward GALSV: Galley Services SCOOK: Senior Cook CIVSS: Civilian Support Services |
Computer Core DivisionCCO: Computer Core Officer CCOXO: Assistaint Computer Core Officer SCOMPS: Senior Computer Specialist SCOMPT: Senior Computer Tech COMPTA I: First Computer Technician's Apprentice COMPTA II: Second Computer Technician's Apprentice |
Sensors DivisionSDO: Sensors Division Officer SDOXO: Assistaint Sensors Division Officer SST: Senior Sensors Technician |
Communications DivisionCOMMDO: Communications Divison Officer SCOMMS: Senior Communications Specialist COMMTA I: First Communications Technician's Apprentice |
Cryptography & Intelligence DivisionCRYDO: Cryptography & Intelligence Division Officer ENCRYS: Encryption Specialist DECRYS: Decryption Specialist MINT: Military Intelligence CI3: Counter-Intelligence |
Flight Deck DivisionFDO: Flight Deck Officer FDSS: Flight Deck Support Services EVSS: Extravehicular Craft Support Services FLCON: Flight Control Officer |
The pips graphics on this page where created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files free of charge to anyone who takes the time to ask him for their use.